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Current and upcoming baseball camps, classes and clinics are now accessible for online registration.  Check back often!  New camps, classes and clinics will continually be updated throughout the year.






 The program will have three distinct areas of focus in developing youth pitchers:


1). Teaching Consistent Warm-up and Recovery Habits:  Learning a simple, good-enough warm-up and recovery program is a habit that com-pounds significantly over an athlete’s career. By simply learning to prepare for competition, the athlete has a lower risk of injury than an unprepared athlete. A warmed-up player is going to perform better as well.


2). Teaching Good Throwing Technique:  Throwing is the foundation upon which a long pitching career is built. Having a healthy and stable throwing movement is an asset that grows over time as a youth athlete’s body learns to produce and accept force each year. This program will focus on basic pitching concepts and essential parts of instruction for developing good throwing movements. Developing good throwing movements preserves the athlete’s ability to pursue multiple positions during his baseball career.


3).  Facilitating a Love for the Game:  Kids today have more ways than ever to choose how to spend their time. Baseball be-comes increasingly harder at each level. Athlete’s without a strong love of the game run the risk of completely abandoning it in favor of something else. The easiest way to wash out of this game is to stop liking it. With the love gone, baseball is just two hours of standing in a field. For us, the easiest way to teach a love of the game is to make it competitive. Kids respond to games and challenges.


The more often we incorporate competitive elements into our training, the more we can connect with athletes. The benefits to competition also spill over into even more areas, including:

  • Giving kids a low-stakes environment to fail in.

  • Developing competition as a skill.

  • Promoting an appreciation for all components of training.


4). The Relationship of ALL:  The fact that all three elements mutually reinforce each other cannot be overstated. The more an athlete sees results training to play baseball, the more he loves baseball. The more he loves baseball, the more willing he is to stick with warm-up and recovery. The more he sticks to warm-up and recovery, the more effective his training will be, yielding better results. And so on, and so on. Motivated kids who like their training can make improvements that will astonish us. The role of the coach and parent is to foster this on-going flywheel of youth development. Get the environment right, encourage and reprimand in appropriate doses, and get out of the way.



The on-ramping phase is designed to build awareness of the drills and movements and help ease an athlete from “untrained” towards a more robust program. This program is for pitchers who are beginning or returning from significant time off.



The off-season program is designed to build pure arm-strength.

This program is for pitchers who have completed an on-ramp.



The Blend to Season phase is designed to transfer pure-arm-strength off-season training to the mound.

This program is for pitchers who have completed an on-ramp or on-ramp + off-season development program.

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